Howard and I arrived in Antigua at 6 A.M. It was to early to check into the hotel. So, we enjoyed an early breakfast at the famous Hotel Santa Domingo. Shown is the early sun shinning into the room. 
This picture was taken in one of the many gardens.
We took turns taking a picture of ourselves.
This water fountain is located in the main or center square in Antigua. Antigua has a rich history.
The entrance to a large Cathedral adjacent to the main square.
Notice the bicycle milkman making his rounds in front of one of the many damaged Cathedrals. Many of the older buildings were damaged by the departing Spaniards when Guatemala gained its independence.
Antigua has many historic Cathedrals. Many were damaged or destroyed by a major earthquake in the 1700's.
More damage from the earthquakes. Antigua is located in the mountains approximately 40km west of Guatemala City. An adjacent large 14,500 foot tall volcano looms over the town. (Volcano not shown. It was shrouded in clouds this day.)
Antigua's arch.
Nancy strolling through town.
Nancy with one of the many local street venders.
The entrance to the Hotel in Antigua.
The entrance to a cafe located in the mountains between Guatemala City and Antigua.
A typical busy Guatemala City street.
An outside view of the corner of Nancy's house.
Nancy's bookstore (Libreria).
The future location for the bookstore, under construction.
We found a friendly small Italian cafe where we stopped to have lunch one afternoon.
The walls and ceiling of this cafe were covered with pictures and autographs of customers.
A Cathedral located next door to the little cafe.
There was a nice little private patio here on the roof of the cafe.
Given this is a tropical climate, this time of year is pretty hazy. You can almost see the Antigua volcano through the haze in this picture.
Another historic Cathedral.
Notice the tourist sleeping on the bench.
Open air markets of this type are common.
An original native Guatemalan today.
Nancy and her close friend Jennifer. (Say "Cheese" for the picture!)
Jennifer, Howard and Nancy going out for dinner together.
Howard and Nancy.
  More pictures from Howard's visit...